Sunday, November 1, 2009

you gotta make a plan

local is lekker.

Just to brief everyone on why I've been a bit distant on this world wide web or words....Siri's camera got lost during our trip to Durban last week, my computer crashed on Thursday (in it are all my pictures and writings). So, sometimes, it's hard to recreate some of the stuff knowing that it's in that little monster of a machine. Hopefully, the IT guy from TLF will be able to fix it this weekend and we'll get back to normal. But for goes a scrappy version of the last 2ish weeks.

First, the trip to Durban. SO AMAZING! After a 9 hour busride overnight, through Jo'Burg and Petermaritzburg we arrived to a grey drizzly the ocean! My water radar kicked in and we made a straight shot to the beach. The record continues...everytime I try to just dip my feet in the ocean...I end up soaked! Oh well, we sat in a coffee shop watched the hard core surfers take on the waves in the rain and planned out the next 5 days (sort of). Durban is in the provice of KwaZulu Natal which is a primarily and historically Zulu area then the Indian and British traders came through. Now, it is a crazy mix of the three cultures and is very very different than the mostly Afrikaans and Tshwana Pretoria. What did we do....went to a huge Indian market for some shopping, got a tour of the Juma mosque (one of the largest in the Southern Hemi), tackled as many waves as possible, ate delicious food...curries and some more European type meals, met some new friends who were happy to show us around town and offer a different persective on the "new" and "old" South Africa.

As usual, not everything goes as you think it will. We intended on only staying in the city for 3 days then going to Tugela Ferry to where Siri's friends live, but transport became a problem. So, we hopped to some different backpackers and found one right across the road from the beach. So beautiful. For some reason, the area looked like a very posh Oregon Coast. All along the waterfront there is construction happening in preparation for 2010 and they have built a huge new stadium for the games. All in all, the trip definately felt like a vacation. But the overnight bus back into Pretoria then having to work the next day was a little rough. So worth it.

Things around here are moving quickly. I was hoping to explain some about all the project that TLF is taking on for 2010 and to ask for some help in prayer that I would be able to decide which to really be investing my time into. TLF is a very visionary oganization and has huge plans. Looking back at what they have accomplished in 15 years of working in the Inner City, somethings working...they have helped some major changes come about and have really supported the people here. I'll have to do that later.

The holidays are coming and so far, I'm not too homesick. Yesterday, I went to a Christmas Market at the University of Pretoria and it was so much like the holiday bazaar at PLU. I got a little nostalgic. We celebrated halloween by painting squash and buying a "horror" of the Nigerian ones that are sold on the street. They are horrible enough thank you. There was caramal apples and spiced nice. It is still strange though that the "holidays" will be hot hot hot and not crispy and white.

okay, let's consider this part 1 of 2 posts...the other to come in a few days.
thanks to everyone for your support, thoughts, letters, and prayers. I really do appreciate them and know that God is working through this trip in your lives as well. He is faithful to provide and lead. He works in such creative ways and I am happy to have Jesus as my teacher here.


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